The body cannot function effectively and operate in a protective and pro-active mode when it is tense and disconnected from the mind and spirit. ~Nettie Paisley
Reiki is an ancient wellness art known for relaxation, reduction of pain and an intuitive opening of the mind, heart and spirit. The restorative art was re-discovered in Japan during the 1800's by Mikao Usui. Reiki is a technology which channels “universal life energy" (vibrations) from practitioner to receiver. Most indigenous cultures all over the world continue to maintain their restorative traditions which pay homage to energy connections.
You can’t see the Reiki Energy. You can feel/sense the Flow (the various vibration levels) which release stress, manage pain and provide a strong sense of inner peace. Reiki is a safe technology, the Flow streams through your mind, body and spirit. Fully clothed, the process takes place with a Gentle Touch (hands on) or a Scan (hands slightly above each area of contact) on a table or in a chair. Reiki can easily merge with other energy modalities which creates an amazing healing bridge. This bridge travels over a person’s troubled waters (mind, body and spirit) to help restore, balance and guide.
Reiki has become an integral part of the healing process in hospitals and clinics. When engaged in the integrative partnership, Reiki complements the pain and stress of surgical operations, cancer treatments, HIV, addictions, grieving, side effects from medical tests and prescriptions by helping the body to relax and connect intuitively with the mind and spirit in order to heal in a more comforting and secure manner. Reiki is now recognized nationwide as an energy medicine by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Reiki is offered by prestigious hospitals across the country including: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital in NYC.
Reiki is spiritual in nature, as it is focused on compassion and peace, however, it is not a religion. Reiki can open and develop healthy intentions and provide transitional support for a better quality of life. For some, the tranquility of Reiki is utilized as a mini vacation, spa like pampering experience or even a power nap. Reiki honors five ethical principals on a day by day basis:
Just for Today, I will not Worry
Just for Today, I will not Anger
Just for Today, I will be Grateful
Just for Today, I will be Honest
Just for Today, I will be Kind
The art of practicing Reiki is taught on three certification levels by a Reiki Master Teacher (RMT) through an attunement (initiation) process. The traditional approach to learning Reiki consist of three levels: practice on self, family and friends in Level 1; apprenticeship on Level 2 and community or social projects to help prepare for the Level 3 Mastership. Teacher training is available only after a minimum of one year as a practicing Reiki Master Teacher (RMT).