Spiritual Growth
Growth is a progressive navigation through the trial and errors of life. Spiritual Growth involves exploring and unlocking your personal life path to improve character, purpose and potential.
Interfaith Ministers takes an oath to represent and promote in the religious and secular world--values, characteristics and behavior that can bring forth the best possible outcomes in human beings. Judgment is not a part of that process as no one is perfect. When you learn from your various journeys, great gifts of growth manifest into love and compassion for self and others. Interfaith Ministers encourage free thinking and the integration of ethical philosophy with religious or non-religious rituals and beliefs that center on human needs, interests, and abilities. Most Interfaith Ministers work independently and serve individuals as well as organizations dedicated to the greatest good.

Interfaith Perspective
All paths lead to One Spirit!
One Spirit leads to peace, love and ethical actions!
*Spiritual/Personal Support and Discovery
*Sacred Ceremonies
Weddings (religious or civil), Memorials,
Home Going Celebrations, Baby Blessings
and Other Sacred Events
*Parental Commitment Planning
Watch Your THOUGHTS, They Become WORDS.
Watch Your WORDS, They Become ACTIONS.
Watch Your ACTIONS, They Become HABITS.
Watch Your HABITS, They Become CHARACTER.
Watch Your CHARACTER, It Becomes Your DESTINY.
~Author Unknown
To find out how I can be of
Comfort and Service:
Rev. Nettie Paisley